



The Top 6 Steps in Writing Project Activities

Just like how you heard it, they are referred to as the activities that the project will cover. Writing clear and detailed project activities is essential for executing your NGO project successfully. Project activities are the specific tasks and actions you will undertake to achieve your project objectives. They outline how you will achieve your goals and provide a clear plan for implementation. I this article, you are going to take you through how to write compelling project activities and the principles of writing them. Here’s a detailed guide on how to write project activities:

Steps to Writing Project Activities

  1. Break down Each Objective: Start by looking at each of your project objectives. Think about the specific tasks needed to achieve each of those objectives. Breaking down your objectives helps you identify all necessary activities.

Through this entire article, let us use this objective as an example objective: “Increase primary school enrollment rates in rural areas by 30% within two years.”

  1. Identify Specific Actions: Now that you have broken down our objectives, let us learn how to formulate activities to fulfill each objective. Now, For each objective, list the specific actions or tasks you will need to perform. Be as detailed as possible to ensure clarity.

Considering our above example objective, let us formulate some activities that may help us fulfill our objective:

Example Activities for Enrollment Objective:

  • Conduct community outreach to raise awareness about the importance of education.
  • Organize enrollment drives in rural areas.
  • Collaborate with local schools to identify out-of-school children.

From the example activities above, you can clearly notice that the activities are not complex or much detailed. This is the cardinal principle you should follow.

  1. Assign Roles and Responsibilities

Just like any other NGO, there are always several teams under the project management department which coordinate different fields of projects to attain a single goal. In this sub chapter, you should assign the activities assigned in the latter subchapter to various teams in the projects department. Specify who will be responsible for each activity. This ensures accountability and helps in organizing the team.


  • Outreach activities will be managed by the community engagement team.
  • Enrollment drives will be coordinated by the project manager.
  1. Set Timelines: Now that you have assigned activities to their respective teams, let us formulate the time that will be taken for each of the project activities listed above. First, establish a timeline for each activity. When will the activity start and finish? This helps in keeping the project on schedule.


  • Community outreach: Months 1-3.
  • Enrollment drives: Months 4-6.
  1. Allocate Resources: Now that you are sure of the activity timelines, you have to formulate and assign resources for each activity. To do this, determine the resources needed for each activity. This includes materials, budget, and personnel.


  • Outreach materials (flyers, posters): $500.
  • Transportation for enrollment drives: $1,000.
  1. Define Outputs: The donor has to understand that if you have assigned teams, resources and timelines to different activities, then what are the expected outcomes from those activities? Therefore, in this subchapter, describe how the output results will be. Specify the expected outputs for each activity. What tangible results will each activity produce?


  • Outreach: 500 households reached.
  • Enrollment drives: 200 children enrolled.

Now, let us provide you with an example of the general layout of project activities subchapter with the above elements combined.

Project Activities: Bridging the Education Gap in Rural Communities

Objective 1: Increase Enrollment Rates

Activity 1.1: Conduct Community Outreach

  • Description: Raise awareness about the importance of education through community meetings, flyers, and posters.
  • Responsible Team: Community engagement team.
  • Timeline: Months 1-3.
  • Resources Needed: $500 for outreach materials, community volunteers.
  • Expected Output: 500 households informed about the benefits of education.

Activity 1.2: Organize Enrollment Drives

  • Description: Conduct enrollment drives in rural areas to register out-of-school children.
  • Responsible Team: Project manager and community volunteers.
  • Timeline: Months 4-6.
  • Resources Needed: $1,000 for transportation and logistics.
  • Expected Output: 200 children enrolled in primary school.

Objective 2: Improve Quality of Education

Activity 2.1: Provide Educational Materials

  • Description: Distribute school supplies and learning materials to students in rural areas.
  • Responsible Team: Logistics team.
  • Timeline: Months 1-4.
  • Resources Needed: $2,000 for school supplies.
  • Expected Output: 500 students equipped with necessary educational materials.


  • Be Detailed: Clearly describe each activity to avoid confusion and ensure all team members understand their tasks.
  • Align with Objectives: Ensure each activity directly contributes to achieving your project objectives.
  • Use Clear Language: Avoid jargon and use simple language to describe activities.
  • Assign Responsibilities: Specify who will be responsible for each activity to ensure accountability.
  • Set Timelines: Establish clear start and end dates for each activity to keep the project on schedule.
  • Budget Appropriately: Allocate resources realistically to avoid underfunding or overspending.


Writing clear and detailed project activities is crucial for the successful implementation of your NGO project. By breaking down your objectives into specific tasks, assigning responsibilities, setting timelines, and allocating resources, you create a structured and actionable plan. This not only helps in executing the project efficiently but also makes it easier for stakeholders and funders to understand and support your initiative.

Remember, well-defined activities provide a roadmap for your project, ensuring that all team members are aligned and working towards common goals.

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